Your Information, Your Rights
At Capital Rubber and Plastics Limited we take privacy very seriously. Personal information is an important issue for our web site users, so it’s an important issue for Capital Rubber and Plastics Limited. Our policy is to not share personal information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, or other personal data or identifying information with any parties outside of Capital Rubber and Plastics Limited.
If you send us personal information we intend to use it for limited purposes – such as to correspond with you or to track statistics that will help us to improve our web site .
Capital Rubber and Plastics Limited follows European Union and United Kingdom Data Protection Acts that state information will not be passed to third parties without your prior written permission and cannot be used for any purpose other than the reason why the data was originally collected.
In addition, any information kept by Capital Rubber and Plastics Limited can be viewed by the supplier of the information at any time and that the information is destroyed upon written request (including postal mail and email).
For organisations outside the European Union, information is kept according to these acts as these acts provide the strictest control on information anywhere in the world.
Further Information
To read the United Kingdom Data Protection Act (that incorporates European Law), click here.
If you have any questions about Capital Rubber and Plastics Limited’s privacy practices or concerns, please email them to .